Here are some of the references I used for the tears/water:

Tsuritama is another example I used for the colour palette. The water animation is used s as a motif to show the character's anxiety rising/ feeling under pressure. There's a really cool scene is when the character gets pulled out of this state visually. This sequence influenced the tear shot  want the audience to remember the flashback vividly, especially when the story builds up. To create some form of tension and sound is a very good way to create this atmosphere.

Here is how the tear sequence looks like:

The issue with this style of animation would be the difficulty to keep this quality up for all the flashback shots. I will probably use the transition to move all the bubbles off screen to have a clean blue background for the flashback.
As complex as the rough animation were I don't think I can handle animating textured tears throughout my entire film. Therefore the tear transition will not only shift the audience into the flashback sequence but also the tear animation will change.

And for the flashback colour this is how it will look like:

I'm still figuring out if this way of colouring is the right way to go, currently there is an overlay over the shot to make the colours lighter. Here is a still without the overlay:

I placed a noise filter on the base layer and kept the opacity for the light blue at 50% so you can see the layers pile up. 

The final look of the flashback resembles the way Science Saru style split in their films...but then again I did take inspiration from it so I don't think I should be as concerned as I am. I only hope to distant myself from the source with the tear transition and the tone of the flashback.

I used the blue and red colour scheme to continue with the cool and warm tones of my film. The toy originally wasn't red, but green. Due to the amount of blues and greens seen in the water I decided a sharp red will be get the audience attention the main event of the scene.

The animation will be a long process with all the coloured layout but I really like the colours. I can cut down to three colours rather than four to simplify the design, for the most part, this is the palette for the flashback.


For my overall process head to 'Animation Process' or click here
I have worked on this too hard to see it unfinished. I have done 4am animations for this project and there are some really good shots that I spent too much time making. If I don't have a finished by degree show I will be so angry with myself and a reflection of my inability to work. So I will continue to work yes.

My aim originally was to finish all my animation for hand in, however I can't deny that I struggled with time a lot in the last couple weeks. I have the majority of my film animated, however there are a couple unfinished shots in the middle and at the end of my film. 

There was a couple shots I rushed through, some came out really well, some didn't. Most of these involves characters displaying some sort of emotion. While animating I focused on the movement rather than expression and didn't exaggerate enough.

The shots in my end sequence where the child is given the toy again didn't turn out as well as I wanted. He is smiling in the shot but he's not emoting as much as I wanted him to. In that scene the child is suppose to be so happy that he's in his own world, so when the doors of the lift close we are left with just the security guard staring at the scene not knowing how to feel.

I am thinking of revisiting that shot after the hand in. After working on the ending shot I didn't really want to rush through everything in the last couple days, knowing that it won't be the quality I want it to be for the final version. So I opted for submitting the version with unfinished shots instead. The version I will be submitting will include the animated end sequence but it will be altered later on.

I didn't give myself enough time for a full just animating time frame since semester 2, as I have been prioritising shots rather than splitting my time equally over the course of the year, which doesn't seem like a bad idea. As I have a finished shots, one some of which are coloured and a completely animated flashback sequence (not fully colouring). Although they are important shots of the film because of the extra time I spend researching methods of animating and testing I pushed a lot of the time needed to animate the rest of my film back in the schedule.

What did come out of this is completely coloured and animated shots for reference. Here is the finished full opening shot. This was the first bit I had completely animated/coloured. I prioritised this shot as I had all the backgrounds ready to go and use it sets a tone for the rest of the film. Plus, I have something to work towards:

Finishing Animation (Hand-In):
For the hand I have tried to get my animation done, but sadly there are a couple scenes that still need to be finished. For the next two weeks I am going to finish animating the whole film first. Once I have all the shoots I can revisit previous shots that needs tweaking. Most of these shots involves exaggerating the emotions on the character's face, especially the child. 

Current scenes that need to be finish:
- The lift alarm (security guard reaction v.s. the childs)

- The ending sequence, finish the hallway long shot & the head scratch.

Here are some of the shots I will revisit:
- The security guard looking at the lift gap & turning over the the child. I just need to tweak a couple shots of facial expression (particularly the eyebrows/sweat?- show more concern)

- The ending shot for instance, the animation is very rough and I want the child to be emoting. If theres time I want to have a shot of the child playing with the toy (moving it in the air rather than just holding it)

- Ending lift shot with the child, hold for longer for the audience

Colouring might take a while but I have recruiting a couple of friends to help me out in that aspect. All the flashback colouring will be done by me because there is no outline for the flashback I wanted to keep it consistent.

I know which areas I need to work on and there won't be any major changes. For now I have to manage my time well, which is a second chance of sorts. As I didn't manage my time as well for the hand-in, which resulted in the unfinished film.

Although there are shots I am not too happy about, and I wish I had more time to make more detailed background. I am only one person, some parts of the film was a little ambitious so seeing some of the finished shots made me feel quite content.

Seeing the results of what I have to show for hand-in, makes me feel motivated to see this film finished once again. I don't want my degree show to screen bits of unfinished animations and rough cuts. Having spend so many late nights working on this, I would be very frustrated with myself if I show this unfinished cut for future screenings.

Summative Sound Design:
Terry, my sound designer created a temp track with the full sound design and music for my hand in sequence even in its unfinished form. I made a couple last minute changes in the arrangement of some of the shots, but since my film is heavily sound design based it one small change means everything else needed to be tweaked. But he made all the changes and I am so grateful to have his help on this project.

The current sobbing noises is left in for reference and will be changed after I have a more finished version at hand. 

For this hand in there were minor heart attacks where rendered videos were missing a couple scenes, one of them being this one which was only 5 seconds so I didn't include it. This was the shot:

But when I reviewed the film till the end I realised there was a shot missing for the final version that Terry mixed. He informed me beforehand thinking I changed the ending and I replied thinking he was referring the the bits I haven't animated. But no, it was the shot where the kid gets his toy back. And it was completely missing, so I had to edit the new version with another version Terry did previously with the correct ending. Thankfully, I had all the back up files for the edit so everything turned out fine. I just thought it was a funny story to include to sum up hand-in. Its funny now that I have it under control, but I was so scared for a moment.